главный научный сотрудник
Учёная степень:
доктор географических наук
amarkova [at] list.ru
Лаборатория биогеографии
ORCID - 0000-0002-2423-0578
WEB OF SCIENCE - L-8885-2015
SCOPUS - 35557183900
РИНЦ - 58414
ИСТИНА - 7617670
Участие в комиссиях
Четвертичная комиссия, SEQS
Основные направления научной деятельности
Изучение ископаемых мелких млекопитающих в целях реконструкций окружающей среды на протяжении плейстоцена
Район работ
Восточная Европа
Избранные публикации
- Markova A., van Kolfschoten T., S.J.P. Bohncke, P.A. Kosintsev, J. Mol, A.Yu. Puzachenko, A.N. Simakova, N.G. Smirnov, A. Verpoorte, I.V. Golovachev. 2019. Evolution of European ecosystems during Pleistocene – Holocene transition (24 – 8 kyr BP) (Monograph). Moscow, Institute of Geography RAS, GEOS Press: 278 pp. ISBN 978-5-89118-795-5
- Anastasia K. Markova,, Andrey Yu. Puzachenko, Nina I. Glushankova. 2023.The Likhvin (=Holsteinian, =Hoxnian) small mammal faunas of Europe (MIS 11) with reference to the easternmost Likhvin small mammal locality Rybnaya Sloboda (Volga basin, Russia) // Quaternary International Vol 674-675:18-30 doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2022.12.002
- Markova A.K., Puzachenko A.Yu. 2021. European small mammal faunas during Dnieper (Saale) glaciation and its transition to Mikulino (Eem) interglacial //Quaternary International, Vol. 605: 254-76 doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2020.08.034
- Markova Anastasia, Puzachenko Andrei. 2018. Preliminary Analysis of Europaean Small Mammal Faunas of the Eemian Interglacial: Species Composition and Species Diversity at a regional Scale // Quaternary, 1, 9: pp. 3-21 + 6 supplementary tables
- Markova A.K., Vislobokova I.A. 2016. Mammal faunas in Europe at the end of the Early – beginning of the Middle Pleistocene. Quaternary International. 2016. Vol. 420: 363- 377. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2015.07.065
- Markova A.K., Puzachenko A.Yu. 2016.The European small mammal faunas related to the first half of the Middle Pleistocene. Quaternary International. Vol. 420: 378-390. doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.07.067
- Puzachenko A.Yu, Markova A.K. 2023. The Scandinavian Ice Sheet against the Atlantic Ocean: how the Scandinavian Ice Sheet affected European small mammal assemblage during the Greenland stadial GS-2.1// Quaternary Science Reviews, Elsevier BV (Netherlands), Vol. 305, No 1. https://doi.org//10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.108013