ведущий научный сотрудник
Учёная степень:
кандидат географических наук
stimireva [at] mail.ru
Отдел палеогеографии четвертичного периода
ORCID - 0000-0003-2985-1127
SCOPUS - 6508206112
WEB OF SCIENCE - AAG-2862-2021
РИНЦ - 61073
ИСТИНА - 47212252
Основные направления научной деятельности
Палеогеография, морфоскопия песчаных кварцевых зерен, динамика субаэральных процессов
Избранные публикации
- Timireva S.N., Kononov Yu.M., Khokhlova O.S., Sycheva S.A., Simakova A.N., Batkhishig O., Bolormaa T., Byambaa G., Telmen T., Zolzaya M., Filippova K.G. (2023) Late glacial and Holocene environmental changes in the north of Central Mongolia (Darkhan-Selenge Area). Geosfernye issledovaniya – Geosphere Research. 2: 102–122. https://doi.org/10.17223/25421379/27/8
- Timireva, S. N., Filimonova, L. V., Zyuganova, I. S., Kononov, Yu. M., and Romanenko, F. A. (2022). Environmental Changes in the Tersky Coast of White Sea (Kola Peninsula) During the Holocene Inferred From Multy-Proxy Study of the Kuzomen Moch Peatland. Geomorfologiya (Geomorphology RAS). (3): 39–50. https://doi.org/10.31857/S0435428122030178
- Timireva, S. N., Kononov, Y. M., Sycheva, S. A., Taratunina, N. A., Kalinin, P. I., Filippova, K. G., Zakharov, A. L., Konstantinov, E. A., Murray, A. S., and Kurbanov, R. N. (2022). Revisiting the Taman peninsula loess-paleosol sequence: Middle and Late Pleistocene record of Cape Pekla. Quaternary International, 620: 36–45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2021.06.010
- Sheinkman, V., Sedov, S., Shumilovskikh, L. S., Bezrukova, E., Dobrynin, D., Timireva, S., Rusakov, A., and Maksimov, F. (2021). A multiproxy record of sedimentation, pedogenesis, and environmental history in the north of West Siberia during the late Pleistocene based on the Belaya Gora section. Quaternary Research, 99: 204–222. https://doi.org/10.1017/qua.2020.74
- Velichko, A. A., Timireva, S. N., Kremenetski, K. V., MacDonald, G. M., and Smith, L. C. (2011). West Siberian Plain as a late glacial desert. Quaternary International, 237(1-2): 45–53. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2011.01.013
- Ryskov, Y. G., Oleinik, S. A., Velichko, A. A., Nikolaev, V. I., Timireva, S. N., Nechaev, V. P., Panin, P. G., and Morozova, T. D. (2008). Reconstruction of the paleotemperature and precipitation in the Pleistocene according to the isotope composition of humus and carbonates in loess on the Russian Plain. Eurasian Soil Science, 41(9): 937–945. https://doi.org/10.1134/S1064229308090044
- Timireva, S. N. and Velichko, A. A. (2006). Depositional environments of the Pleistocene loess-soil series inferred from sand grain morphoscopy – A case study of the East European Plain. Quaternary International, 152: 136–145. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2005.12.013