старший научный сотрудник
ymkononov [at] igras.ru
Отдел палеогеографии четвертичного периода
ORCID - 0000-0003-1900-6501
SCOPUS - 14421240600
WEB OF SCIENCE - J-2916-2018
РИНЦ - 62644
ИСТИНА - 47501332
Основные направления научной деятельности
Гляциология, палеогляциология, дендроклиматология, палеогеография
Район работ
Кольский полуостров, Таймыр, плато Путорана, горная Якутия, Приазовье
Избранные публикации
- Timireva S.N., Kononov Yu.M., Khokhlova O.S., Sycheva S.A., Simakova A.N., Batkhishig O., Bolormaa T., Byambaa G., Telmen T., Zolzaya M., Filippova K.G. (2023) Late glacial and Holocene environmental changes in the north of Central Mongolia (Darkhan-Selenge Area). Geosfernye issledovaniya – Geosphere Research. 2: 102–122. https://doi.org/10.17223/25421379/27/8
- Timireva, S. N., Filimonova, L. V., Zyuganova, I. S., Kononov, Yu. M., and Romanenko, F. A. (2022). Environmental Changes in the Tersky Coast of White Sea (Kola Peninsula) During the Holocene Inferred From Multy-Proxy Study of the Kuzomen Moch Peatland. Geomorfologiya (Geomorphology RAS). (3): 39–50. https://doi.org/10.31857/S0435428122030178
- Timireva, S. N., Kononov, Y. M., Sycheva, S. A., Taratunina, N. A., Kalinin, P. I., Filippova, K. G., Zakharov, A. L., Konstantinov, E. A., Murray, A. S., and Kurbanov, R. N. (2022). Revisiting the Taman peninsula loess-paleosol sequence: Middle and Late Pleistocene record of Cape Pekla. Quaternary International, 620: 36–45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2021.06.010
- Ananicheva, M.D., Kononov, Yu.M. (2020). Mountain glaciers of the Russian North: changes over the past decades under climate variations. Fundamental and Applied Climatology, 3: 42–72. https://doi.org/10.21513/2410-8758-2020-3-42-72
- Kononov Yu. M. (2018). Regional features of the warm season temperature regime within the continental part of the russian Arctic during the last 500 years. Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Geograficheskaya. (2): 48–58. https://doi.org/10.7868/S258755661802005X
- Kononov, Y. M., Friedrich, M., and Boettger, T. (2009). Regional summer temperature reconstruction in the Khibiny low mountains (Kola Peninsula, NW Russia) by means of tree-ring width during the last four centuries. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 41: 460–468. https://doi.org/10.1657/1938-4246-41.4.460
- Kononov, Y. M., Ananicheva, and Willis, I. C. (2005). High-resolution reconstruction of Polar Ural glacier mass balance for the last millennium. Annals of Glaciology, 42: 163–170. https://doi.org/10.3189/172756405781812709