заведующий лабораторией
Учёная степень:
кандидат технических наук
shvarev [at] igras.ru
Лаборатория геоморфологии
ORCID - 0000-0001-5709-1634
WEB OF SCIENCE - J-2407-2018
SCOPUS - 6507471218
РИНЦ - 63414
ИСТИНА - 46770240
Участие в комиссиях
Зам. Председателя Геоморфологической комиссии РАН
Основные направления научной деятельности
Палеогеоморфология, морфотектоника (тектоническая геоморфология), динамическая геоморфология, палеосейсмология, антропогенная геоморфология
Район работ
Кавказ, Фенноскандия
Избранные публикации
- S.V. Shvarev, M.Y. Alexandrin, M.M. Ivanov, V.N. Golosov. The interaction of climatic and tectonic factors in the formation of sediment runoff in the Holocene in the Khorlakel lake catchment (north caucasus) // Doklady Earth Sciences. — 2023. — Vol. 513, no. Suppl.1. — P. s75–s95.
- S.V. Shvarev, I.V. Bondar, F.A. Romanenko, N.N. Lugovoy. Holocene paleoseismic deformations on the islands of the Kuzokotsky archipelago (Kandalaksha bay of the white sea, eastern fennoscandia) // Izvestiya - Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. — 2022. — Vol. 58, no. 8. — P. 757–787.
- Shvarev S.V. Morphotectonics, deformations of loose sediments, and stages of tectonic activation of the Sambian (Kaliningrad) peninsula in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene // Doklady Earth Sciences. — 2022. — Vol. 506, no. Suppl. 1. — P. 94–107.
- Shvarev S.V. Morphotectonics, seismicity, and exogenous processes of the Kola peninsula // Russian Geology and Geophysics. — 2022. — Vol. 63, no. 8. — P. 940–954.
- S.V. Shvarev, D A. Subetto, N.E. Zaretskaya, A.N. Molodkov. Age, genesis, and seismogenic deformations of the Vuoksa river terraces on the Karelian isthmus (Northwestern Russia) // Russian Geology and Geophysics. — 2021. — Vol. 62, no. 11. — P. 1308–1329.
- Derkacheva A., Golosov V., Shvarev S. Hazardous exogenous geological processes in the mountains under the pressure of human activity: 15‑year observations from a natural landscape to a large ski resort // Natural Hazards. — 2023.
- S. Shvarev, A. Nikonov, M. Rodkin, A. Poleshchuk The active tectonics of the Vuoksi fault zone in the Karelian isthmus: parameters of paleoearthquakes estimated from bedrock and softsediment deformation features // Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland. — 2018. — Vol. 90. — P. 257–273. [ DOI ]