Senior researcher
roger.kurbanov [at] gmail.com
Department of Quaternary Research
Key research areas
Arid and coastal geomorphology, paleogeography, Quaternary geology and stratigraphy, Pleistocene, Ponto-Caspian region palaeogeography, geomorphology and typology of deserts.
Areas of work: Caspian Sea coasts, Kara-Kum desert, Azov sea region.
Selected Publications:
- Babaev A.G., Kurbanov R.N. 2013. Evolution of the environment of the Karakum desert // Proceedings of the VII All-Russian Conference on Quaternary Research. Rostov-on-Don: SSC RAS. P. 44-46 .
- A.A. Velichko, Morozova T.D., Borisova O.K., Timireva S.N., Semenov V.V., Kononov Yu.M., Titov V.V., Tesakov A.S., Konstantinov E.A., Kurbanov R.N. 2012. The formation of steppe-zone of Southern Russia (based on the structure of the loess-soil formation of Don-Azov region ) // DAN , T. 445. № 4 . P. 464-467.
- Konstantinov E.A., Belyaev Yu.R., Sheremetskaya E.D., Ivanov M.A., Zakharov, A.L., Kurbanov R.N., 2012. Lithofacies analysis for determination of the genesis of the hollow topography of the North-Eastern Azov // Proceedings of the All-Russian lithological meeting on the 100th anniversary of the birth of L.B. Rukhin. Volume I. St. Petersburg State University, P.206 -209.
- Kurbanov R.N. 2011. Coastal processes on Cheleken peninsula // Problems of Desert Development, 1-2. Ashgabat: ANT. S. 17-20.
- Kulikova V.V., Kurbanov R.N., Suchilin A.A. 2011. GIS of coastal dynamics of Cheleken peninsula and fluctuations of the Caspian Sea over the last 150 years // International conference InterCarto/InterGIS 17. Barnaul. P. 114-120.
- Kurbanov R.N. 2010 . Geomorphologic features of Cheleken peninsula / / Proceedings of the international conference "The Caspian region: environmental consequences of the climate change". Moscow, Russia. P. 152-156
- Kurbanov R.N. 2010 . Geomorphology of the Krasnovodsky bay / / Proceedings of the international conference "The Caspian region: environmental consequences of the climate change". Moscow, Russia. P. 157-160
- Kurbanov R.N. Hudaynazarov G.B. 2010 . Anthropogenic development of the Cheleken peninsula (Southern-Eastern Caspian sea) / / Proceedings of the international conference "The Caspian region: environmental consequences of the climate change". Moscow, Russia. P. 160-163