Makkaveev Alexander

Leading Researcher
geomorph [at]

Research interests

Glacial geomorphology, urban geomorphology, astrobleme-like lake depressions origin.

Selected Publications

Makkaveyev A.N.Trial of guantitative estimation of ancient glaciers relief-forming significance at the North -West of the European part of the USSR//Geomorfologia, 1975, №2, p.p. 44-50 (in Russian)

Aseev A.A., Makkaveyev A.N., Glacial geomorphology. Itogi  nauki i tehniki, Ser. Geomorfologia, V. 4. M.: VINITI, 1976, 175 p. (in Russian)

Aseev A.A., Makkaveyev A.N., Classification of glacial landforms created by ice sheets//Geomorfologia, 1982, №4, p.p. 23-29(in Russian)

TimofeevD.A., MakkaveyevA.N. Terminology of glacial geomorphology. M.: Nauka, 1986, 254 p. (in Russian)

Belousov A.A., Makkaveyev A.N., Kurbatova L.S. Geologic-geomorphologic factors of emergencies in the central districts of Moscow //Geomorfologia, 2000, №4, p.p. 40-45(in Russian)

Makkaveyev A.N. Geomorphologic regionalisation of Russia and surrounding seas. The map 1:10 million // National Atlas of Russia, V.2. Nature and ecology. M.: Ministry of transport RF and Federal agency of geodesy and cartography, 2007/ p.p. 140-141(in Russian)

Makkaveyev A.N., Lichacheva E.A., Lokshin G.P. Conception model of the  development small rivers urban basins (Moscow as a rule)//Izvestia RAN. Ser. Geogr.2010, № 4, p.p.104 – 112(in Russian)

Makkaveyev A.N., Formation of certain crater-like basins: results from the lake Svetloe (Moscow region) //Geomorfologia, 2010, №4, p.p. 104-112(in Russian)

Makkaveyev A.N., Fedorovich D.V. Antropogenic factors influence at changes of ground water in Moscow// Antropogenic geomorphology: science and practice. Moscow – Belgorod: ID “Belgorod”, 2012, p.p. 72 – 75 (in Russian)

Bronguleyev V..Vad. , Makkaveyev A.N., Makarenko A.G. Catalogue of astrobleme-like depressions of Moscow region and some results of its analysis //Geomorfologia, 2012,№3, p.p. 32-43(in Russian)