research engineer
do.adaeva [at] igras.ru
Department of Physical Geography and Environmental Management Problems
Research interests
Geoparks, geotourism, coastal areas, methodological approaches to the
assessment of the environmental carrying capacity, methodological approaches to the assessment of the recreational pressure, protected areas, algorithms of creating and substantiation of tourist routes in protected areas and geoparks
Study areas
The Republic of Crimea
Selected publications
- Adaeva D.O., Kostovska S.K. Methodological approaches to the assessment of the environmental carrying capacity of the coastal geopark territory in the South-Eastern Crimea // Geopolitics and ecogeodynamics of regions. Simferopol: V.I. Vernandsky Crimean Federal University. 2022. V. 8. No. 4. PP. 83-93.
- Kostovska S.K., Adaeva D.O., Chepalyga A.L. On the possibility of applying a new category oа natural protected areas – a terrace type geopark. // Regional environmental issues. 2020. № 6. PP. 86–92. DOI: 10.24412/1728-323X-2020-6-86-92 (In Russian)
- Adaeva D.O., Chepalyga A.L. UNESCO Global Geoparks Network: review and prospects for establishment a new geopark in the North Black Sea region // Materialele conferinţei ştiinţifice naţionale cu participare internaţională «Mediul şi dezvoltarea durabilă», Ediţia a 5-a jubiliară, 90 de ani ai UST, 30-31 octombrie 2020 / comitetul ştiinţific: Coropceanu Eduard, et al.; comitetul de organizare: Mironov Ion, et al. – Chişinău: S. n., 2020 (Tipografia UST). 2020. РP. 115-118.
- Chepalyga A.L., Adaeva D.O. Applying a new type of coastal protected areas - terrace type geopark in South-East Crimea// Proceedings IX International scientific and practical conference «Marine research and education (MARESEDU-2020)». V. 3. 2020. PP. 378-381. (In Russian)
- Chepalyga A.L., Adaeva D.O. (2020) Detailed stratigraphy of the Karangatian terraces of the Black Sea strato-region within the framework of the Sudak standard terrace profile // Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation “Markov Readings 2020: Actual Problems of the Paleogeography of the Pleistocene and Holocene”, November 6-8, 2020 Moscow, Moscow State University. PP. 5-9. (In Russian)
- Sadchikova T.A., Stukalova I.E., Chepalyga A.L., Adaeva D.O. (2020) The history of the formation of coal deposits of the Black Sea Pleistocene terrace of Sudak (Crimea) // Collection of materials of the All-Russian meeting "Fundamental problems of the study of volcanic-sedimentary, terrigenous and carbonate complexes", November 10 - 14, 2020, Moscow, GIN RAS. PP. 213-216 (in Russian)
- Adaeva D.O. (2019) The system of Pleistocene Black Sea terraces of the Southern coast of Crimea as a basis for substantiating new natural sanctuaries // Collection of materials of the 12th International School-Conference Meridian: Global Processes and their Regional Aspects / Ed. Medvedev A.A., Kladovshchikova M.E. Мoscow: IG RAS. PP. 7-11 (in Russian)
- Chepalyga A.L., Adaeva D.O. (2018) The evolution of scientific ideas on the stratigraphy of marine terraces and paleogeography of the Quaternary Black Sea basins of the Southern coast of Crimea // Materials of the XXVIII International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference Man and Nature: Problems of a Globalizing World. PP.130-135. (In Russian)
- Chepalyga A.L., Sadchikova T.A., Adaeva D.O., Idrisov I.A. (2018) Ponto-Caspian at the turn of the Neogene and Quaternary periods // Bulletin of the Dagestan State Pedagogical University. Natural and exact sciences. Vol. 12. No. 3. PP. 81-88. (In Russian)