Research interests
Society spatial self-organization, theoretical geography, central places theory, methodology of geography, regional development
Selected Publications
Shuper V.A. Methodology of Geography: Contribution of Russian Philosophers of Science // Regional Research of Russia, 2012, Vol. 2, No. 3. P. 263-267.
Shuper V.A. Development of Theoretical Concepts in Spatial Analysis // Regional Research of Russia, 2011, Vol. 1, No. 4. P. 408-415.
Sholudko A., Shuper V. Thomas Malthus modern sounding //Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, 2011, No 16. P. 107-119.
Shuper V.A. Urban agglomeration formation as a non-local phenomenon //17th European Colloquium on Quantitative and Theoretical Geography. Colloquium Programme and Book of Abstracts. Ed. by Dr. Stamatis Kalogirou. 2-5 September 2011, Athens, Greece. P. 132.
Shuper V., Vazhenin A. Central places patterns evolution //15th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography. Proceedings. Edited by Institute of Geography of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. 7-11 September, 2007. City of Montreux, Switzerland. P. 373-378.
Shuper V.A., Valesyan A.L. Spatial structure of urban settlement systems: stability versus changeability //“Cybergeo”, 1999
Chouper V. La théorie des lieux centraux et les phénomènes d’évolution //“Cybergeo”, 1998
Shuper V.A. Deformation of Central Place Systems in the Formation of Large Urban Agglomerations // Soviet Geography, 1989, v. XXX, No 1. P. 24-32.
Shuper V.A. An analysis of the Situation of Cities by the Methods of Central Place Theory (with reference to the Estonian SSR) // Soviet Geography, 1987, v. XVIII, No 1. P. 14-24.
Shuper V.A. Analysis of the Hierarchical Structure of the System of Cities in the USSR by the Methods of Central-Place Theory // Soviet Geography: Review and Translation, 1984, v. XXV, No 9. P.643-655.