Scientific qualification
1968 Ph.D degree for the thesis “Transformation of water balance (on the example of Central-Chernozem district, Rostov and Chelyabinsk regions)”
1988 Ph.D degree (Doctor of Sciences - Doctor Nauk) for the thesis “Polystructure of water balance of Russian Plain”
Member of Scientific Committees of the Institute of Geography RAS, Dissertation Committees of the Institute of Geography RAS and Institute of Water Resources RAS, Moscow Department of the Russian Geographical Society, member of the Conservation Section of the Moscow House of Scientists
Associate editor of magazines «Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Geograficheskaya», «Water resources», «Problems of regional ecology».
Member of Scientific and Technical Council of Committee for Water Resources of the Russian Federation.
Supervised 18 post-graduates who successfully defended Ph.D. thesis.
Academician of the Academy of Water economy Sciences
Chairman of Hydrological commission of Moscow centre of Russian Geographical Society
Research interests
Water balance and water resources of the territory, hydrochemistry, hydrological role of watersheds, small rivers, qualitative and quantitative assessment of water objects conditions, anthropogenic impact on water resources and its hydrological and ecological after-effects
Selected Publications
- Common factors of anthropogenic transformation of small watersheds of the steppe of the southern Russia (by the example of the Rostov region). Co-authors Zakrutkin V., Shishkin D., Dolgov S. Rostov-on-Don, publ. Rostov SU, 2004. 252 p. (in Russian)
- Water balance of the Russian Plain and its anthropogenic changes. Moscow, Nauka, 1990. 205 p. (in Russian)
- The transformation of water balance. Moscow, Nauka, 1973. 119 p. (in Russian)
- Koronkevich N.I., Barabanova E.A., Georgiadi A.G., Dolgov S.V., Zaitseva I.S. Transboundary Water Exchange in Russia // Water Resources. – 2021. – Vol. 48. – No. 4. – Pp. 502-511. DOI: 10.1134/S0097807821040072
- Dolgov S.V., Koronkevich N.I., Barabanova E.A., Zaitseva I.S. Modern hydrological changes in the Don River basin, caused by economic activities in the watersheds and climatic factors, and their consequences // IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 817 (2021) 012029. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/817/1/012029
- Dolgov S.V., Koronkevich N.I. Current Features and Dynamics of Nutrient Balance in the Kud’ma River Basin. 2. Seasonal Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus // Water Resources, 2021, Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 787–796. DOI: 10.1134/S0097807821050092.
- Yasinsky S.V., Koronkevich N.I., Kashutina E.A., Sidorova M.V., Narykov A.N. Diffuse biogenic pollution of water bodies in the Volga river basin – example of Cheboksary reservoir basin. // Water Resources Management. E-book. Сер. "Water Resource Planning, Development and Management" Ana Milanović Pešić and Dejana Jakovljević (Editors) Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić”, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Serbia. New York, 2020. С. 123-152.
- Dolgov S.V., Koronkevich N.I. and Barabanova E. A. Landscape-Hydrological Changes in the Don Basin // Water Resources. 2020. Vol. 47. No. 6, pp. 934–944. DOI: 10.1134/S0097807820060056
- Dolgov S.V., Koronkevich N.I. Current Features and Dynamics of Nutrient Balance in the Kud’ma River Basin. 1. Annual Nutrient Balance // Water Resources. 2020. Vol. 47. Pp. 238-248. DOI: 10.1134/S0097807820020037
- Dolgov S.V., Koronkevich N.I., Barabanova E.A. Aspects of the modern biogens runoff formation in the central part of the Russian Plain // E3S Web of Conferences "IV Vinogradov Conference “Hydrology: from Learning to Worldview” in Memory of Outstanding Russian Hydrologist Yury Vinogradov". 2020. Volume 163, 03003. 6 р. doi: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016303003
- Koronkevich N. I., Barabanova E. A., Georgiadi A. G., and Zaitseva I. S. Environmental and Economic Indicators of Anthropogenic Impacts on Water Resources in Russia and the World // Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2020. Vol. 90. No. 4. Рp. 428–436. DOI: 10.1134/S1019331620040103
- Koronkevich N. I., Kashutina E. A., Mel’nik K. S., and Luk’yanov K. V. Modern Hydrological Changes in the Moskva River Basin // Russ. Meteorol. Hydrol. 2020. №45. Pp. 533-537. DOI: 10.3103/S1068373920080026
- Koronkevich N.I., Barabanova E.A., Georgiadi A.G., Zaitseva I.S.Some indicators of the efficiency of water resources use in Russia // WATER PROBLEMS: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. International refereed academic journal. 2020. № 1. Pp. 7-17.
- Dolgov S.V., Koronkevich N.I. Biogenic Runoff from the Nizhni Novgorod Area // Water Resources, 2019, Vol. 46, Suppl. 1, pp. S94–S100
- Dolgov S.V., Koronkevich N.I., Barabanova E.A., Zaitseva I.S., Kashutina E.A., Shaporenko S.I., Yasinsky S.V. Changes in runoff and water quality in the catchment areas of the reservoirs // IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 321 (2019) 012036 ISSN 1755-1307
- Georgiadi A.G., Koronkevich N.I., Barabanova E.A., Kashutina E.A., and Milyukova I.P. Contribution of Climatic and Anthropogenic Factors to Changes in the Flow of Large Rivers of the Russian Plain and Siberia // Doklady Earth Sciences. 2019. Vol. 488. Part 2. Pp. 1211–1216. ISSN 1028-334X
- Georgiadi A.G., Koronkevich N.I., Barabanova E.A., Kashutina E.A., Milyukova I.P. Assessing the effect of climatic and anthropogenic factors on the annual runoff of large rivers in European Russia and Siberia // IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 381 102027
- Koronkevich N.I., Barabanova E.A., Georgiadi A.G., Dolgov S.V. Zaitseva I.S. and Kashutina E.A. Assessing the Antropogenic Impact on the Water resources of Russia // Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019. Vol. 89. No. 3. P. 287-297
- Koronkevich N.I., Barabanova E.A., Georgiadi A.G., Zaitseva I.S., Shaporenko S.I. Anthropogenic Impacts on the Water resources of the Russian Arctic Basin Rivers // Geography and Natural Resources. 2019. V. 40. № 1. Pp. 22-29. ISSN 1875-3728
- Koronkevich N.I., Dolgov S.V., Kashutina E.A., Melnik K.S. Specific Features of the Formation of Water Flow and Pollution Export from Agricultiral, Forest, and Urbanized Landscapes // Water Resources. 2019. Vol. 46. Suppl. 1. Pp. S137-S144. ISSN 0097-8078
- Barabanov A. T., Dolgov S. V., Koronkevich N. I., Panov V. I. Petel'ko A. I. Surface Runoff and Snowmelt Infiltration into the Soil on Plowlands in the Forest-Steppe and Steppe Zones of the East European Plain // EURASIAN SOIL SCIENCE. 2018. V. 51. № 1. P. 66-72
- Barabanov A.T., Dolgov S.V., Koronkevich N.I. Effect of Present-Day Climate Changes and Agricultural Activities on Spring Overland Runoff in Forest-Steppe and Steppe Regions of the Russian Plain // Water Resources. 2018. V. 45. № 4. Рр. 447-454
- Dolgov S., N. Koronkevich, E. Barabanova. Surface runoff and infiltration of melt water on agricultural fields in forest-steppe and steppe zones of the Russian plain // Practical Geography and XXI Century Challenges. International Scientific and Practical Conference, 4-6 June 2018, Moscow. Conference Book. P. I. – Moscow: Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, - 2018. P. 406-412
- Kotlyakov V.M., Koronkevich N.I., Desinov L.V., Dolgov S.V., Vishnevskaya I.A. Catastrophic Flood in the Russian Town Krymsk (North Caucasus, 6-7 July, 2012) - Analysis of Natural and Anthropogenic Causes // Journal of Contemporary Management. 2016. V. 5, Issue 4. P. 1-11
- Georgiadi Alexander G., Nikolai I. Koronkevich, Irina P. Milyukova, Elena A. Barabanova. Integrated Projection for Runoff Changes in Large Russian River Basins in the XXI Century // GES. 2016. N 2. P. 38-46. ISSN: 2071-9388. DOI: 10.15356/2071-9388_02v09_2016_03
- Koronkevich N.I., Melnik K.S. Runoff Transformation under the Effect of Landscape Changes in the Moskva R. Basin and in the Territory of Moscow city// Water resources and the regime of water bodies.2015, vol.42, №2, pp.159-169
- Kotlyakov V.M., Desinov L.V., Dolgov S.V., Koronkevich N.I., Likhacheva E.A., Makkaveev A.N., Medvedev A.A., and Rudakov V.A. Flood of July 6-7, 2012, in the Town of Krymsk // Regional Research of Russia, 2013, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 32-40
- Koronkevich N., Dolgov S., Barabanova E., Zaitseva I. Runoff in the steppe zone // Steppes of Northern Eurasia. Proceedings of the VI International Symposium and VIII International School-Seminar "Geoecological problems of the steppe regions" Orenburg, IPK "Gazprompechat" LLC "Orenburggazpromservis" 2012. P. 403-405.
- Georgiadi A., Koronkevich N., Kashutina E., Barabanova E., Zaitseva I., Dolgov S. Interrelation between climatic and anthropogenic factors in the long-term changes in river flow // Water and Water Resources: System-forming factors in nature and economy. Collection of scientific papers (Ed.. Pryazhinskaya V.). Novocherkassk, SRSTU (NPI), 2012. P. 41-47.
- Koronkevich N. Georgiadi A., Jasinski S., Milyukov I., Dolgov S., Barabanova E., Zaitseva, I., Kashutina E. From landscape and hydrological estimations of the past and present state and changes in the elements of the water balance to scenario calculations of the change in water resources of large river basins of Russia in the XXI century. // Safety problems in the water sector of Russia. Krasnodar LLC "Avanguard Plus", 2010. P. 141-152.
- Dolgov S., Koronkevich N. Alti-spatial and spatiotemporal analysis of the water balance of the European part of Russia / / Water Resources. 2010. T. 37. Number 2. P. 134-149.
- Dolgov S., Koronkevich N. Hydrological layering of the flat territory // Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences. Geographical Series. 2010. Number 1. P. 7-25.
- Georgiadi A. Koronkevich N. Milyukova I., Barabanova E. Approaches to scenario evaluation of changes in water resources in large river basins. // Fundamental problems of water and water resources. Proceedings of the Third Russian Scientific Conference with international participation. 24-28 August 2010. Barnaul, ART Publ., 2010. P. 355-357.
- Koronkevich N., Barabanova E., Zaitseva I. River runoff and its structure on the Russian Plain in the past and in the future // Materials of the III International Water Forum "International cooperation in the solution of water and environmental problems." Minsk, Minsktipproekt, 2008. P.47-51.
- Koronkevich N. Surface runoff as the part of the water balance and the erosion factor // Makkaveevskie Readings, 2008. Moscow State University, 2009. P. 63-71.
- Koronkevich N. Geographical and hydrological studies and the contribution of the laboratory (Department) of Hydrology of the Institute of Geography into them // Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences. Geographical Series. 2008. Number 5. P. 76-84.
- Koronkevich N., Zaitseva I., Krylova Z. Features of anthropogenic impact on the water resources of Russia at the end of XX - beginning of XXI century // Reports of the VI Russian Hydrological Congress, September 28-October 1, 2004, St. Petersburg. Section 3. Part II. Water balance, surface and groundwater, hydrologic effects of economic activity and climate change, vulnerability and adaptation of the social and economic spheres. Meteoagency Hydrometeorology, Moscow, 2008. P. 30-40.
- Koronkevich N., Barabanova E., Zaitseva I., Yasinskii S. The changes in human impact on water resources of the Volga basin // Waters of Volga: the present and the future, management problems. Russian Research and Practice Conference. 3-5 October, 2007. Astrakhan, Astrakhan University, 2007. P.147-151.
- Koronkevich N. Yasinskii S. Spring surface runoff in the Volga basin // ECWATECH - 2002: Proceedings of the Congress. Moscow, 2002. P. 19-20.
- Koronkevich N., and co-authors from the MSU, Geographical Department- Alekseevskiy N., Litvin L., Chalov R. Runoff and soil erosion in the catchment areas as environmental factors of rivers’ state // Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences. Geographical Series. 2000, № 1, P.52-63.
- Dolgov S., Koronkevich N. Transformation of water resources by the lineal antropogenic forms // Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences. Geographical Series. 2000. № 3. P.38-49.
- Koronkevich N., Yasinskii S. The current state of the investigation of the surface flow in the major soil zones of European Russia // Pochvovedenie. 1999. Number 9. P.1115-1125.
- Koronkevich N., Dolgov S. Geographical and hydrological study of the vadose zone // Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences. Geographical Series. 1999. Number 2, p.17-30.
- Koronkevich N., Zaitseva I. Dolgov S., Yasinskii S. Contemporary human impacts on water resources // Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences. Geographical Series. 1998. № 5, p.55-68.
- Koronkevich N., Jasinski S. Zaitseva I. Small rivers in the Volga system // Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences. Geographical Series. 1996. Number 1. P.33-44.
- Koronkevich N. Structural changes in the water balance of the Russian Plain // Water Resources, 1996. V.23, № 2, p.133-139