Scientific Researcher
+7 499 238-03-60
langeomorph [at] gmail.com
Laboratory of Geomorphology
General scientific interests:
Ecological and social geomorphology, anthropogenic geomorphology, territorial planning, geography of tourism
Selected Publications
- Nekrasova L.A. Agricultural anthropogenic morphogenesis. Anthropogenic geomorphology: science and practice: proceedings of XXXII Plenary meeting of RAS Geomorhologic Committee. М.; Belgorod: Publishing House «Belgorod», 2012.
- Nekrasova L.A. 1. Ecology-geomorhologic research of the transformation of rural population resettlement and land-use system in Tver region. 2. Anthropogenic changes of bog system in Tver region / Geomorphologic systems: features, hierarchy, organization. / Under the editorship of E.A. Likhacheva. М.: Media-PRESS. 2010. С. 237 – 247; 247 – 259.
- Nekrasova L.A. Questions and problems of territorial planning and nature-anthropogenic changes of Tver region rural area / Compression of social-economic extent: new in the theory of regional development and in practice of its governmental control / Under the editorship of S.S. Artobolevsky and L.M. Sintserov. М., Eslan, 2010, 428 p.
- Nekrasova L.A. History-ecology-geomorphological analysis of the rural settlements system of old-cultivated territories in Tver region./ Urban sphere geomorphology essays. Under the editorship of E.A. Likhacheva, D.A. Timofeev. М.: Media-PRESS. 2009. Pp. 69-107.
- Nekrasova L.A. Social-ecology-geomorphologic analysis of functioning of rural population resettlement and land-use territorial system (the case of central part of Tver region). Geography: problems of science and education. LXII Herzen readings: In 2 Vol. – SPb.: Asterion, 2009. Vol. 1, pp. 264-271.
- Zherenkov A.G., Nekrasova L.A. Recreation-geomorphologic sites of foreign geographic practices. Geography: problems of science and education. LXII Herzen readings. In 2 Vol. – SPb.: Asterion, 2009. Vol. 1, pp. 356 – 362.
- Nekrasova L.A. Social aspects of ecology-geomorphologic researches. Geomorphology №2, 2008. pp. 22-32.
- Nekrasova L.A. Social aspects of ecology-geomorphologic researches of recreational attractiveness of rural settlements / Human and terrain. – М.: Scientific world, 2007. pp. 27-39.
- Likhacheva E.А., Makkaveev A.N., Nekrasova L.A., Lokshin G.P. Analysis of sustainability and dynamics of terrain in Moscow city // Geomorphology. 2006 № 4. pp. 32–38.
- Terrain of the people’s environment (ecologic geomorphology) (Nekrasova L.A.: chapters 9, 17, 18, 24, 25) / Editor E.A. Likhacheva, D.A. Timofeev. М.: Media-PRESS, 2002. Pp. 135 – 149; 308 – 346; 347 – 397.
- Likhacheva E.A., Zhidkov M.P., Nekrasova L.A. Ecologic potential of small towns // Geomorphology. 2000. № 3.
- Bronguleev V.V., Nekrasova L.A. and others. Some special features of modern exo-geodynamics of Russian Plain and its cartographic questions // Geomorphology 1997. № 3.
- Zhidkov M. P., Likhacheva E.A., Nekrasova L.A. Anomalous magnetic field as ecologic factor. Its influence on cities location. // Reports of Academy of Science. 1996. Vol. 349. Pp. 1-4.
- Likhacheva E.A., Nekrasova L.A. City and its geographic environment (Chapter 2). City as an ecosystem / Likhacheva E.A., Timofeev D.A., Zhidkov M.P. and others. М.: Media-PRESS, 1996. Pp. 44 – 72.
- Kozlova A.E., Nekrasova L.A. Ecology-geоmorphologic consequences of nature-anthropogenic terrain forming processes development on the north of Siberia. М. Geographic society. 1993.