Tishkov Arkady Alexandrovich

Head of Laboratory
+7 495 959 00 40
tishkov [at] biodat.ru
Laboratory of Biogeography


Education and qualified training

1968 – 1973 – Moscow state university, biological-soil sciences faculty (Moscow)

1989 (Yune –August) – City English study courses (Moscow)

1990 (August) – Training on ecological management, National parks services of Canada (Toronto, Canada)

2000 (June-July) - Seminar of World Bank Institute; “Economics of nature conservation” (Washington, USA)

2001 (January) - Seminar of World Bank Institute; “Economical value of biodiversity” (Moscow)

Expearience of work

1966 – laboratory assistent of Institute of medical parasitology and tropical medicine 

1967-1968 – laboratory assistent of Moscow state university, biological-soil sciences faculty

1968 – 1973 – student of Moscow state university, biological-soil sciences faculty

1970 – 1971 – head of biological study group (young), Moscow pioneer house

1973 – modern time – Institute of geography, Russian academy of sciences

1997 – modern time – professor of ecological faculty, International ecological-politological university (Moscow)

1997-2003 – manager of Strategy component, GEF project “Biodiversity conservation in Russian Federation”

Scientific fields: biogeography, productivity and dynamic of landscapes, biodiversity conservation, geography of Arctic, steppes and boreal forests, ecosystem services

Publications (total – more 700, including 12 monographs)

In English (more 50, in arctic investigation fields)

Bazilevich N.I., Tishkov A.A. Conceptual balance model of chemical element cycle in mesotrophic bog ecosystem. Ecosystem dynamics in freshwater wetlands and shallow water bodies. Vol.2. Centre of International projects, GKNT. Moscow, 1982.

Gorjachkin S.V., Zlotin R., Tertitsky G., Tishkov A. a.o. Diversity of natural ecosystems in the Russian Arctic. A guidebook. Russ.-Swed. Expedition "Tundra Ecology-94",Stokholm,1994, 102 p.

Alexandrov G.A., Tishkov A.A. a.o. Conceptual and mathematical modeling of matter cycling in Taezhny Log bog ecosystems (Russia). In: Wetlands and Shallow Continental Water Bodies, The Hague, SPB Acad. Publ., 1996, p.  45-93.

Tishkov A.A. Primary succession in arctic tundra of the west coast of Svalbard. Polar Geography and Geology, 1985, vol.10, 2. p. 148-157.

Serebryanny L.R., Tishkov A.A., Malyasova Je.S., a.o. Reconstruction of the development of vegetation in Arctic high latitutes. Polar Geography and Geology. 1985, v.9, 4, p. 308-320.

Bazilevich N.I., Tishkov A.A. Live and dead reserves and primary production in polar desert, tundra and forest tundra of the former Soviet Union. In: Ecosystems of the world, vol. 3. Polar and alpine tundra. Ed.: F.E. Wielgolaski. Amsterdam- Lausanne - New York - Oxford - Shannon -Singapore - Tokyo. Elsevier publ., 1997, p. 509-539.

Collective authors, Tishkov A. (Ed.). Conservation Arctic Flora and Fauna - 2001. Status and conservation. Helsinki, Edita publ., 2001, 272 p.

Alimov A.A., Pavlov D.S....Tishkov A.A. a.o. National Strategy of Biodiversity Conservation in Russia. RAS, MNR,  2001, 73 p.

Tishkov A.A. Nature protection and conservation. In: The physical geography of Northern Eurasia. Oxford regional environments. Ed.: Maria Shahgedanova. Oxford University Press, 2002, p. 227-245.

Tishkov A.A. Conservation of grassland ecosystems in protected areas of Russia.In: Workshop proceeding of the 15th General Meetingof the European Grassland Federation ..., 1994, p.183-191.

Tishkov A.A. Grassland ecological restoration in Russia.In: Grassland and society, Wagenningen, 1994, c.309-312.

Tishkov A.A. Grassland ecological restoration: the first step in Russia.In: Progress to meet the challenge of environmental change, INTECOL, Manchester, 1994, p.111.

Tishkov A.A. Natural protected areas of Russia. Science in Russia, 3, 1994, с.83-88.

Collective authors/ Diagnostic analysis of the environmental status of the Russian Arctic (Advanced Summary). Group of authors, Moscow, Scientific World, 2011, 172 pp. (coll. authors)

Collective authors. Strategic Action Program for Protection of Environment in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation (SAP-Arctic). Moscow, 2009. 30 pp. (coll. authors)

In Russian (more 700)

Zonal regulariries ecosystems dynamic. M.: Nauka, 1986, 197 p. (co-authors Yu. Isakov and N. Kazanskaja)

Geographical regulariries of ecosistems structure and functions. M.: Nauka, 1986, 309 p. (co-authors N.I. Bazilevich and O.S. Grebenschikov)

The 1st National report “Biodiversity conservation in Russian Federation”. Goscomecologija, 1997, 170 p. + 30 карт (co-author – A. Amirkhanov a.o.).

Conservation of biodiversity: positive expeariences. M.: GEF project “Biodiversity conservation”, 1999, 115 p. (editor)

National strategy and action plan on biodiversity conservation in Russian Federation. Bull. Using and protection of nature resources in Russia, 1999, №5-6, с. 87-93 (co-author – A. Amirkhanov).

Economical value of biodiversity. M.: GEF project “Biodiversity conservation”, 1999, 112 p. (editor)

National strategy of biodiversity conservation. M.: RAS, Ministry of nature resources of Russian Federation, GEF priject “Biodiversity conservation”, 2001, 75 p. (co-authors – A. Amirkhanov a.o.)

The principles and methods of economical value of lands and nature. Analytic guide. GEF project “Biodiversity conservation”, 2002, 101 p. (editor, author)

Conservation of biodiversity of mountain in Russia, M.: RAS, 2002, 75 p. (co-authors – A.M. Amirkhanov and E.A. Belonovskaya)

Biosphere fuctions of nature ecosystems in Russia. M.: Nauka, 2005, 309 p.

The people of our generation. The book of essays about my teachers, colleagues and friends. M.: Institute of geography, 2012. 245 pp.

The conservation of terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity of Russian Arctic (Сохранение наземных экосистем и биоразнообразия Российской Арктики. В кн.: Виды и сообщества в экстремальных условиях. М.-София: Товарищество научных изданий КМК., 2009. С. 373-296).

Четвертый национальный доклад Сохранение биоразнообразия в Российской Федерации (Выполнение обязательств Российской Федерации по Конвенции о биологическом разнообразии). М.: Министерство природных ресурсов и экологии Российской Федерации. 2009. http://www.cbd.int/doc/world/ru/ru-nr-04-ru.pdf

Biological diversity of Russian Arctic zone. Chapter 6. (Биологическое разнообразие АЗРФ. Глава 6.) http://www.npa-arctic.ru/Documents/da_full/chap_06.pdf

The biogeographycal aftereffects of natural and anthropogenic changes of climate. Biology bulletin review, 2009, v. 131, № 4.