Dmitriev Ruslan

Scientific Researcher
dmitrievrv [at]
Laboratory of Geography of World Development

Research interests

Theoretical geography, urban geography, demography; socioeconomic problems of India development.

Selected Publications

Dmitriev R. 2012. The use of gravitation models in spatial analysis of settlement systems. Narodonaselenie. N2 (56). P. 41—47.

Gorokhov S., Dmitriev R. 2012. Global socioeconomic geography. Geografiya v shkole. N 2. P. 62—63.

Dmitriev R. 2011. Megaregions' role in the transformation of territorial structure of India's economy. Vestnik LGU im. A.S. Pushkina. N 4. P. 148—159.

Dmitriev R. 2011. Transformation of India's urban skeleton under the influence of agglomeration effects in settlements network. Izvestiya Smolenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. N 3. P. 300—310.

Gorokhov S., Dmitriev R. 2011. India's population grows at a record pace. Asiya i Africa segodnya. N 8. P. 11—15.

Burgasova N., Bannikov S., Dmitriev R. 2011. Thematic control. Geografiya. 9 klass. Moscow. 176 p.

Dmitriev R. 2010. Social and economic problems of cities’ development in India. Geografiya v shkole. N 3. P. 20—24.

Dmitriev R. 2010. Socioeconomic aspects of sustainable development in modern Russia (view from South Africa) // Geografiya I ecologiya v shkole XXI veka. N 9. P. 3—10.

Samburova E., Gorokhov S., Dmitriev R. 2010. Urbanization in China and India: comparative analysis. Geografiya mirovogo razvitiya. Moscow. N 2. P. 240—253.

Gorokhov S., Dmitriev R. 2009. Urbanization paradoxes of modern India. Geografiya v shkole. N 2. P. 17—23; N 3. P. 24—29.