Research interests
Geoecology, environmental assessment and mapping, nature management, territorial planning and land use, land law.
Areas of work
European area of Russia, Volga region, Caucasus, Altai.
Selected Publications
Lobkovsky V.A., Lobkovskaya L.G. Use of land resources of Russia from a position of environmental management in 1990-2010 years// Problems of regional ecology. – 2012. - № 3. - P. 174-181.
Lobkovsky V. A. Assessment of the potential of the society of the subjects of the Russian Federation// Problems of regional ecology. – 2012. - № 1. - P. 221-234.
Lobkovsky V. Ecological-economic assessment of the area (Improvement of the structure of land use in Moscow region.). – LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012 - 144 p.
Lobkovsky V. A. Assessment of natural-resource potential of the Russian Federation with the position of regional nature management// Problems of regional ecology. – 2011. - № 6. - Р. 64-75.
Lobkovsky V. A. Methodological foundations of ecologo-geographical analysis of the dynamics of regional environmental management in the regions of Russian Federation// Problems of regional ecology. –2010, №1. Р.103-110.
Kochurov B.I., Lobkovsky V. A., Samonchik O.A. Legal aspects of perfection of land use of specially protected natural areas and objects of the modern Russian // Problems of regional ecology, №5, 2006. Р. 54-63
Lobkovsky V. A. Assessment of ecological-economic condition of the territory: the theoretical aspects, the practice of application. M.-Ryazan. - 2005. - 103 p.
Kochurov B.I., Antipova A.V., Kostovska S.K., Lobkovsky V.A. Forecasting of extreme situations in the landscapes of Russia in relation to climate change// Problems of regional ecology, №4, 2004. P.79-87
Kochurov B.I., Antipova A.V., Kostovska S.K., Lobkovsky V.A Zoning of the territory of Russia for the environmental and socio-economic situation // Geography and natural resources, 2002, №2. P.5-11.
Ivanov Yu.G., Lobkovsky V.A Governance of municipal land use, its information support. М.: IGRAS, ICESC, 2000. 37 p.