Ozerov Nikolay

Research Associate
nashadr [at] yandex.ru

 Selected Publications:


  1.  Ohata T, Malyshev  V., Ozerov N., Zolotokrylin A., Georgiadi A."On an analysis of land surface images taken by helicopter over tundra near Tiksi ", Activity Report of GAME-Siberia 2000, GAME Publication No,26,March 2001, pp165.
  2.  A.Georgiadi, A.Zolotokrylin, V.Malyshev, V.Onishchnko, N.Ozerov "Experimental studies of hydroclimatic characteristics of subarctic tundra landscapes of Eastem Siberia" The Fifth International Study Conference on GEWEX in Asia and GAME,Volume 1,GAME Publication No.31(1),pp 10.
  3.  V.Malyshev, N.Ozerov "Remotsensing application for landscape type evaluation in hydroclimatological study of subarctic tundra in Suonannaakh River Basin" The Fifth International Study Conference on GEWEX in Asia and GAME,Volume 2, GAME Publication No.31(2),pp 344.
  4.  Ohata T., Georgiadi A , Malyshev V., Zolotokrylin A. Aerial observation of Tiksi watershed in 2000. Activity Report of  GAME-Siberia Japan National Committee on GAME GAME Publication 2001 No. 26. , 163-164.